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Heartland Catch UP: Season 17 Episode 3 “The Heart Wants”

By Zoie| May 23, 2024|

Heartland Catch UP: Season 17 Episode 3 “The Heart Wants”


In this episode, Amy assists Caleb with his son’s pony, Donut, while Lou and Jessica embark on a new venture. Katie explores a daring new hobby, and Logan takes a significant step in his relationship with Miley, leading to an unexpected twist. 

The episode kicks off with Rick being declared mayor, leaving Lou, the former mayor, in search of a new purpose. Amidst business discussions between Tim and Jack in the kitchen, Lou finds herself feeling somewhat aimless. 

Caleb and Carson visit Amy, bringing along Donut, Carson’s gift pony. However, Donut proves to be more than a handful, throwing Caleb off his back. Despite Donut’s unruly behavior, Caleb is committed to giving Carson a cowboy-themed birthday party, a promise he had already shared with his grandparents. 

Meanwhile, Katie eagerly awaits the results of the writing competition she mentioned in previous episodes. She has prepared diligently, understanding precisely what the judges are looking for. Jack, however, encourages her to engage in other activities rather than fixating on the screen. 

Logan contemplates buying a gift for Miley, indicating that their relationship is getting serious. He seeks Amy’s advice on expressing his love for Miley, who unexpectedly walks in during their conversation. This surprise visit leads to Logan being introduced to Rocky, the lesson horse for the rodeo school. 

As the episode progresses, Katie decides to take Shadow for a ride, hoping to draw inspiration from her previous ride with Sunshine. While out she encounters a motorbiker, whose bike startles sunshine.

Caleb struggles with guilt for letting Carson get attached to Donut before confirming if he was rideable. Amy, however, sees a glimmer of hope, suggesting that Donut’s responsiveness to Carson might indicate potential for improvement. 

Tim meets Jessica in town after she texts him about a big surprise. She reveals her desire to open her own gallery in Hudson, an idea that Tim finds brilliant. However, the gallery’s location in a historical building could delay permits for up to a year, potentially turning Jessica’s dream property into a money pit. Fortunately, Tim knows someone (Lou) who can navigate Hudson’s bureaucracy, potentially providing Lou with the purpose she’s been seeking. 

Amy and Caleb face the reality that Donut might not be as trainable as they initially thought. Spoiled ponies often don’t make good beginner mounts. Amy decides to call the auction house to investigate Donut’s origins, hoping to find a solution. 

Lou, dressed in business attire, agrees with Amy’s strategy to connect with their competitor on an emotional level. She also shares her thoughts on Amy and Edwin being a perfect match, suggesting that their relationship doesn’t have to be anything serious. 

Edwin takes Amy on an archery date, marking a new development in their relationship. Meanwhile, Donut is ready for a new rider, but the question remains: will it be Caleb or Carson? 

Lou manages to sort things out for Jessica, ensuring that permits will be issued once Jessica submits her designs. However, there’s one catch – they have to use their architect. Despite this, Jessica is pleased with the partnership, complimenting Lou’s instincts and the architect she recommended. 

In a surprising turn of events, Logan finally shares his feelings with Miley and tells her that he loves her. Meanwhile, Amy meets Nate Pryce Jr. (played by Spencer Lord), who reveals that he used to be a bronc rider himself. Nate has to leave abruptly, but even in those few moments, some chemistry can be felt between these two. Could this be Amy’s new love interest?

Lou apologizes for overstepping her boundaries, acknowledging that the election had shaken her confidence. Helping Jessica renewed her confidence, and she saw a potential partnership. However, she realizes she should have respected boundaries. 

Katie conducts “research” on the motorbike, guided by her new friend Brandon, the cyclist from before. Miley, wearing the jacket Logan gave her, is thrown from her horse. Is she okay? We’ll have to wait until the next episode to find out. 


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  1. Duane Ricks on May 23, 2024 at 4:22 pm

    We have seen episodes 1 2 and 3 of season 17. They were fun and had some drama in them, but we want to learn more about Amy and Nathan’s relationships! Hope those two can develop into something.

    • Zoie Taylor on May 23, 2024 at 9:08 pm

      Hi Duane, we totally agree! Amy and Nathan seem like they could be a great match.

  2. EC Park on May 31, 2024 at 5:15 pm

    Why hasn’t there been any recent episodes uploaded for season 17?

    • Zoie Taylor on June 5, 2024 at 7:04 pm

      Hi EC, Episodes 1-5 of Season 17 are currently available to watch. The season is on a brief hiatus and will be back with new episodes on June 20th.

  3. […] Heartland Catch UP: Season 17 Episode 3 “The Heart Wants” […]

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