Heartland Catch UP: Season 17 Episode 4 "A Piece Apart" - UP Faith & Family Skip to content
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Heartland Catch UP: Season 17 Episode 4 “A Piece Apart”

By Zoie| May 31, 2024|

Heartland Catch UP: Season 17 Episode 4 “A Piece Apart”


In this episode, we see Amy grappling with Lyndy’s sudden fear of horses, Logan blaming himself for Miley’s accident, Tim orchestrating a perfect homecoming for Shane, and Katie navigating a shifting friendship.

The episode begins with Lyndy, haunted by nightmares of Miley’s accident, asking Amy to discard her horse stuffed animals. The next morning, Amy attempts to take Lyndy for a ride, but Lyndy, still traumatized from witnessing Miley’s fall, refuses. Amy reassures her, saying, “Sometimes the best way to forget something is to face it. Scary moments are just bad memories that we need to move on from.”

Meanwhile, Tim reunites with his son Shane, and we’re taken back to a flashback of a young Amy and Shane bidding each other farewell many years ago. As Logan arrives at the barn with Miley, fresh from the hospital, Lyndy remains apprehensive.

Over coffee in the kitchen, Lou confesses her nervousness about Shane’s return after a long absence. Lisa, looking forward to spending time with Shane, shares her excitement about co-sponsoring and chaperoning the community dance. Katie, however, is unsure about convincing her friend Parker to attend.

As Amy, Logan, and Miley discuss Miley’s health, Tim arrives with Shane. They share a warm hug, and Tim asks Amy if she can help Rocky, a horse Tim wanted Amy to look at. With Logan’s assistance, Amy agrees to help.

At the house, as Lou and Lyndy color at the kitchen table and Katie prepares for her shift at Maggie’s, Shane makes his entrance. He’s greeted by Amy, Tim, Jack, and Lisa. With everyone present, Tim discusses plans for a small dinner and a big cookout the next day. He also mentions that Shane requested a tour of the ranch to reacquaint himself with the place. With Amy busy with Rocky, Tim volunteers Lou to give the tour.

Amy and Logan review footage of Miley before her injury and notice the spurs on Miley’s shoes. At Maggie’s, Katie catches up with Parker, who reveals she’s attending the community dance with her boyfriend, Simon. This leaves Katie feeling like they might be growing apart.

On horseback, Tim, Lou, and Shane share a ride. Shane expresses his condolences about the election, and Lou is surprised he knew about it. Shane explains that Tim keeps him updated on Heartland news, which helps him feel more connected. Lou congratulates Shane on his engagement to Chloe, a lawyer he met at school, but the conversation feels awkward.

Amy shows Logan bumper spurs, which are softer and used to help horses understand cues without hurting them. Logan admits he didn’t use spurs with Rocky or Miley, and he blames himself for Miley’s accident. He decides to call it a day.

Tim drops Shane off at the cabin, and Shane questions whether his trip to Heartland was a good idea. He doesn’t want to rush or force anything. Tim insists that Shane’s return was overdue and necessary. Shane receives a phone call, likely from his fiancée, Chloe, and tells the caller that he hasn’t said anything to everyone yet.

At dinner, Shane asks Amy about her progress with Rocky. Amy shares that Rocky is afraid of spurs, so she’s helping him get used to them. Shane invites Lou and Amy to catch up over coffee. At dinner, Shane questions Amy about her progress with Rocky. Amy explains that Rocky is afraid of spurs and she’s helping him get used to them. The dinner takes a dramatic turn when Shane confronts Lou and Amy about their lack of contact after he left Heartland. He storms off, leaving Lou and Amy visibly upset.

The next morning, Logan meets Amy and Rocky. Logan wonders how they can get Rocky used to spurs since the whole point of spurs is to get a fast reaction from the horse. Amy replies that it’s their job to ensure that the horse responds to them in a safe way.

Meanwhile, Tim and Jack have a heart-to-heart on the porch. Tim expresses his desire for his children to fit together like pieces of a puzzle, but Jack advises him that relationships involve other people in the equation.

Later, Lisa tells Jack that one of her co-sponsors gave her a nice gift — lessons at her dance studio! Jack objects, saying they’ve two-stepped before and don’t need any lessons. Lisa insists it will be fun and romantic.

At Maggie’s, Lou checks on Katie, who reveals that Parker has a boyfriend and they won’t be going to the dance together. Lou reassures her that it’s normal for friendships to ebb and flow. She offers a mother-daughter shopping spree, ensuring Katie will have a new outfit, whether she goes to the dance or not.

Back with Logan and Amy, they try the spurs again with Rocky, but he still gets frightened. Amy advises Logan not to push Miley away just because he’s mad at himself; she needs him right now too.

At the dance studio, Jack and Lisa take their dance lesson. Things start off awkwardly, with Jack finding it challenging to let loose.

At the house, Amy and Lou process Shane’s words. Amy asks Lou if what Shane said wasn’t entirely untrue. Lou says no, it was not. Amy feels like they’re supposed to share a massive bond, but she feels like they’re strangers. She admits that she has been feeling that way since Shane arrived at Heartland, and maybe even before that. She commends Lou for trying to make things better instead of running from Shane like she has. She wonders how she can help Lyndy face her fears when she can’t even face her own.

At the dance studio, Jack comes in for a private lesson. Meanwhile, Amy and Lou make things right with Shane. They acknowledge that they should have reached out to him and tried harder. Lou shares that they saw all of the animosity between Tim and Shane’s mom and they didn’t want to interfere and make things worse. She goes on to say that he was just a kid and it was really unfair to him. The radio silence wasn’t about Shane, but about Lou and Amy not knowing how to navigate things. Amy opens up and says that she should have talked to him because she really did miss Shane. They shared some really important, beautiful moments together. She goes on to say that she and Lou both want to make up for the time that they lost. Shane jokes that if they wanted him to stay another day, they could have just asked.

Chloe returns, calling for Shane, announcing that their wedding venue fell through due to being double-booked. They have already sent out their save-the-dates.

At the teen community dance, Katie walks in with Lisa, but quickly feels like she made a mistake. Lisa tells her no, she will stay and be a little uncomfortable because that means she is taking risks.

Just as Katie walks off to make her rounds, in walks Jack! Looking like a handsome old cowboy. He asks Lisa to dance and they two-step the night away.

Katie spots Parker, who chats her up briefly before she turns to dance with her boyfriend. Katie ventures to the dancefloor, alone. Eventually, Brandon, the motor biker we met previously this season, walks in and asks to dance with her. She politely declines and tells him that he can dance beside her.

Back at home, Lyndy announces to Tim that there will be a wedding! The wedding venue fell through so Amy and Lou offered up the dude ranch to Shane and Chloe because they knew how much it meant to them.

Later, outside, Miley announces that her MRI is all clear. She says that she could have told him if she had answered her phone. It will be a month before she can race again, but she’ll be back on the circuit before they know it. Amy puts on a show for the family with Rocky and races around a few barrels to show Lyndy that everything is ok. Miley takes a ride on Rocky as well. Lyndy asks Amy not to throw out her stuffed toy horses. Logan lets Amy know that he is quitting being a horse trainer – he might have the talent, but he feels that he doesn’t have the attitude for training. It’s too risky to him and one mistake could ruin everything.

What did you think about this episode? Have you ever faced fears or had to completely quit or walk away from something you once enjoyed? Share your thoughts in the comments below!


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